1. August Davis and the Free-Free
Author: David M. Gustafson
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: August Davis,baptism of the Spirit,Evangelical Free Church of America,Free-Free,J.G. Princell,John Thompson,Mary Johnson,Mission Friends,Pentecostal phenomena,Scandinavian Mission Society,Swedes,Swedish

2. May we forever stand :
Author: Imani Perry.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Johnson, J. Rosamond, (John Rosamond),1873-1954., Lift every voice and sing.,Johnson, J. Rosamond, (John Rosamond),1873-1954., Lift every voice and sing.,Lift every voice and sing (Johnson, J. Rosamond),African Americans-- Music-- History and criticism.,African Americans-- United States-- History.,Anthems-- United States-- History and criticism.,African Americans-- Music.,African Americans.,Anthems.,HISTORY-- United States-- 20th Century.,MUSIC-- Instruction & Study-- Voice.,MUSIC-- Lyrics.,MUSIC-- Printed Music-- Vocal.,United States., 7
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